Blog 2022

We'll be at #RISK!

Written by Vivek Valmiki | Nov 10, 2022 5:08:47 PM

#RISK Expo is just around the corner and it’s safe to say, I’m pretty buzzed to be going! Events such as #RISK provide important insight into the ever-growing world of risk, how it’s all interconnected, and how it shapes the environments we live in today.

For someone like myself, who is in business development and sales, #RISK isn’t just about networking with as many people as possible in a rat race to find customers. It’s about coming together to meet, debate, and learn about the risk landscape from the major players to trailblazers that are making all of this happen.

This year, I’m particularly keen to hear from Annie Machon, a Former MI5 intelligence officer, and whistleblower, who is passionate about protecting digital freedom, privacy, and other key security issues in the present day. It’s not often you get to sit in front of someone who lived in exile for years and scrutinized the mistakes and cover-ups made by MI5 and the Secret Intelligence Service!

More in line with what C2 Cyber does, I’m excited to get to hear from Glen Hymers, Head of Data Privacy and Compliance for the UK Cabinet Office. He’s got a wealth of knowledge, having served in the RAF, and successfully lead his team to be shortlisted for ‘Best Innovative Privacy Project’ of the year. Fingers crossed for them!

Lastly, I’m keen to visit the events ESG Hub, the term is becoming increasingly important year after year, and rightly so; learning about how we get to net zero, and leverage emerging technologies to create workplace well-being, diversity and inclusion are topics I hold very close to me. I’m also very keen to see our CEO, Jonathan Wood, who will speak at the ESG Hub to discuss the ‘Holistic Approach to ESG Scoring: Considering Both Risk & Impact’. (Wed 16th @ 13:25) – I will endeavor to be the hype man amongst the audience!

All in all, it’s going to be a brilliant event, with brilliant people attending. Our team will be there in full force, just look out for the C2 Stand and come say hi!